Kidney protection in diabetes

A study has shown that the polyphenol in Extra Virgin olive oil can protect the kidneys from diabetes-related damage.

In the first study of its kind, a team from the Malaga Institute of Biomedical Research and the Nanomedicine Platform and the University of Malaga studied the ability of polyphenol contained in extra virgin olive oil to protect against kidney damage associated with type I diabetes mellitus.

In addition to the acute complications of diabetes, prolonged hyperglycemia damages small blood vessels throughout the body. This damage often leads to diabetic nephropathy, chronic loss of kidney function in diabetic patients and the main cause of chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal failure worldwide.

The problem is that many patients find it difficult to control their blood glucose levels in real clinical settings. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore additional methods to protect the kidneys from potential harm associated with diabetes.

Oxidative stress is the main factor in the formation of kidney damage in diabetes and it has long been known that the numerous compounds present in extra virgin olive oil have an antioxidant effect. The nephroprotective effect of olive oil polyphenols has now been proven. The research team found that it can lower blood glucose levels in subjects, which is a valuable sign because persistent hyperglycemia is a fundamental element in the progression of kidney damage in diabetes mellitus.